Bihebari, 20 Barsa Pari (Anti Child Marriage Campaign)

Bihebari, 20 Barsa Pari (Anti Child Marriage Campaign)

Case -1 during 11 class god Child Marriage

Residential at Dailekh Naumule rural municipality-8 Chauratha, Rashmi (name changed) was a fifteen years old who got married when she was just 15 years old 11th grader studying in Shree Tribhuwan H.S.S and was living as a tenant in Narayan municipality-6 Kadhachaur, Dailekh. She was a tenant in headquarter of Dailekh and had gone to her village at the ocassion of Dashain and Tihar. During that time, her brother had not got holiday on Bhai Tika, a sacred day of Tihar festival. So, for the sake of her little son, Rashmi’s mother had come to headquarter leaving her alone at home.  Utilizing this opportunity where there was no any responsible person in her home, twenty three years old Hemant Thapa magar , living in Narayan municipality-11 Bindhabasini Dailekh, provoked Rashmi’s brothers for marriage. As a result, she got married at early teen. “My parents weren’t home and my brothers did not listen to me while taking this decision of my marriage”, Rashmi brusts into tears.


Married at such young age of just 15 was nothing more than a victim of child marriage. At present, she is safely living with her parents out of this circumstance. She says that psychological counseling was really helpful for her and gave her relief. Further she adds that she feels even more happy and light-hearted about the fact that her thoughts and feelings are private and secured with the counselor.  The counseling session was also helpful to counsel her parents about filing case against the male culprit and the file has been successfully filedin the court regarding the child marriage. At present, she is giving continuity to her studied in the high school. She shares that she feels secured now that the case has been held. If not so, she would have been living with the continuous fear that the same crime might repeat again. “I have no fears now. I will bring forward the truth”, she speaks.


she has planned to take further steps under guidance of her parents. “Whatever comes ahead, I will always look forward to my family’s suggestion first”, she speaks, ” I will take decision about marriage only when I get 20 with the common consent and advices of my parents”. She expresses that she would look forward to the help of child helpline 1098 and organization dialing 089-410222 on any further problems”.” I will give continuity to my study and I vow to balance my studies and equally help my parents in need”, she adds.

The district has seen a lot of similar child marriages. To strictly eradicate child marriage, the district police and the social welfare community, SOSEC has been active nowadays. According to the wall helpline manager of SOSEC Rama Shrestha, parents play the most important role for the better future of children and should be emotionally available for their children (mostly girls) to avoid the social disease like child marriage. Shrestha adds that understanding the root level problems of children will be much more helpful than any kind of scolding from parents.

Case -2    Not yet stopped Child marriage

Dailekh-Child marriage is one of the major social problems in Dailekh. Despite number of efforts, child marriage has not declined in number. Though the number of child marriages has not gone down, the efforts to reduce it are continuous among which children helpline (1098) is one. 16 years old Goma of Gurans rural Municipality got married at the age of 16 and the news was reported to children’s’ club. The chairperson of the club reported the problem to the district office. According to the report, the problem of child marriage has been stopped in the district however the issue is not still completely solved. The news of child marriage that was going to happen on Kartik 7 was reported to the chairperson of the children’s club who in turn reported the news to 1098 (Ten-Nine- Eight) on Ashwin 30.

With the help of local police, the families of the to-be bridegroom of Kartik 7 were consoled on Kartik 5 about the consequences of child marriage and advised to stop the marriage ceremony. According to the public service center, Dailekh, Nepal the problem of child marriage was almost over but in reality, the problem has not declined despite the counseling of every parents around the district about their duties towards their children. In fact, the marriage ceremony that was to be conducted on 7th of Kartik was conducted on 6th and the issue was not taken seriously.

Though many efforts have been made to control child marriage, no results have been seen. Even though the legal actions are being taken to solve the problem the problems aren’t being controlled rather the problem has reached to the extreme level. Even the members of children’s club are disappointed because of lack of proper actions to be taken to solve the issue. One member of the club stated,” We, the members of the club have been facing several problems on both professional and personal level and yet not getting desired results. So, we won’t be able to conduct our duties if the strict actions will not be taken immediately.” All these information have been confirmed by the operator of the children helpline Rama Shrestha.

Case -3      “I will continue my study” child married girl mentioned

 Dailekh-Kriti (pseudo Name) aged 15 resident of Dungesor Rural municipality ward no 2 got married in ward no 2 Badakhola of  Mahabu RM. She got married during her ninth standard ( 9 Class). Premature Kriti got cross cousin marriage. She was eloped with groom without her parent permission. Her study stopped because of social norms such as married women need not continue her study etc.  She mentioned that datugher in law should work in domestic chores  as per the family members order.  Her own parents also were negative regarding her study and clearly mentioned that they cannot afford her study. She came seeking help in child helpline 1098.


After getting child helpline, after short discussion with her family person, Bhadra 5 she got resume with her family.  She got psychosocial counseling in child helpline.  She stayed for 3 days in shelter, during her shelter stay she got legal counseling and support also.

Now she is convinced that she will go through her parent suggestions. Problem will be solved through family discussion she mentioned.  She mentioned ” regarding marriage I will seek and accept suggestions based on my parents discussion after my 20″.  If anything occurred I will definitely contract child helpline 1098 and organization’s contract number 089-410222.  I will seek suggestions and help through this number. I will continue my study soon, as per the time table , I will support in domestic chores as well as my study, it is my conformation “.

In district, this types of child marriage cases are rampant. SOSEC and district police office are trying their best on their campign to stop child marriage.  Parents are the closest friend for their girl child so, as per the children need, parents should work mentioned by the Child helpline coordinator  Rama shrestha.  She further mentioned that problem identification is the best way rather than scolding the children.

 Case -4       Bonded girl got risqué

Dailekh- Manju aged  19 (Name changed)  got forced marriage during her 11 classs of Butwal sub-metropolitan city ward no 13 Belbase-Rupandehi (temporary address Gurans Rural municipality  ward no 1 Khadgawada). She got forced marriage through her Aunt.  She did not get permission to visit her own parents after her marriage. If in case she got her parent home, she will not get permission to get back in her house. She has felt such type of home bond.  She got her parents home anyway facing her different types of problem, however, Last Shrwan month 2074, she came here due to her father in laws death. After that she did not get chance to go out.  She even did not get chance to call her parents. During her return form maternal home, she did not get chance to toilet freely.  During her toilet, sometimes they delay one hour and still they guard outside of toilet. Sometime if she did delay, they opened the door forcefully and Crowell her through her hair. After long plead they got chance to talk with my fathers.  When she conveyed her condition with her parents, they got mobile forcefully. ” After 4 days later my father came  and they did not see my father” she mentioned.  They kept me secret for 3 days. My father ran away by fear because family member told that killed both  father and child and through in Karnali river.


After that My brother informed to social service center about my condition. He appealed to free her sister.  After his call, organization has  suggested  to submit application form  in 11th Sarwan.  As per the suggestion, My brother has sent application in 12th Srawan. After that immediately, organization registered a case in district police office.  After the complain,  she was rescued in 12th Srwan 2047 at 8:00PM and brought Dailekh  district head quarters from Tallo Dungeswor.

After her rescue, she has been provided psycho social counseling. She got three days legal counseling as well.  She was resumed with her family in Shrwan 16th.

“I got my daughter through the SOSEC’s advocacy and support” mentioned by her father and they told me that they can kill her daughter and through in Karnali River while I got there to get my daughter. However I have lost my hope, although Social service center has return my daughter.  I was consulted to register the case in police office, however, I denied to doing so due to my problem” he further added. She is now with her family and started her 12th class study.

She would work as per her parents suggestions and guidance.  I will go through my parents suggestion at any cost, She mentioned ” regarding marriage I will seek and accept suggestions based on my parents discussion after my 20″.  If anything occurred I will definitely contract child helpline 1098 and organization’s contract number 089-410222.  I will seek suggestions and help through this number. I will continue my study soon, as per the time table , I will support in domestic chores as well as my study, it is my conformation “.


